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2020 North Worcestershire Business Awards


North Worcestershire Business Awards deferred until 2021

After much consideration NWedR and NWBL have regretfully made the decision not to run the North Worcestershire Business Awards in 2020 because of the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

We have concluded that as things stand at the moment, it is not safe, practical or appropriate to plan a large scale event such as the NW Business Awards this year. Also, of course, we know that our businesses are busy focussing on the immediate weeks and months ahead to meet the current challenges.

We are sad that we won’t be able to celebrate and showcase our local businesses in November but we look forward to bringing back the awards in 2021.

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North Worcestershire Business Awards

For Your Diary

Key dates 2024

Award entries close: Friday 30 August 2024

Announce finalists: Tuesday 8 October 2024

Sponsors' Beer and Bubbles evening: Thursday 24 October 2024

Tickets available from: To be confirmed

North Worcester Business awards evening: Thursday 21 November 2024


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